Please join us for Sunday worship at 9 a.m.
(ends at 10 a.m.)
This is a wonderful opportunity to worship, say thanks to God,
hear scripture lifted up, learn, pray and to sing! Please join us.
We average 53 people for in-person worship.
We also have groups for fellowship, discussions,
Bible study, & fun for children, youth, & adults
on Sundays at 10:15 - 11 a.m.
The second Sunday of each month we have fellowship time with breakfast items at 10 a.m. (food is provided)
Our worship services are available on Facebook live or for viewing at a later time. www.facebook.com/HydesburgUnitedMethodistChurch
If you have a question or would like to receive Hydesburg Church updates by email, text,
or postal mail, please contact [email protected] or text or call 573-248-4349.
Please join us for Sunday worship at 9 a.m.
(ends at 10 a.m.)
This is a wonderful opportunity to worship, say thanks to God,
hear scripture lifted up, learn, pray and to sing! Please join us.
We average 53 people for in-person worship.
We also have groups for fellowship, discussions,
Bible study, & fun for children, youth, & adults
on Sundays at 10:15 - 11 a.m.
The second Sunday of each month we have fellowship time with breakfast items at 10 a.m. (food is provided)
Our worship services are available on Facebook live or for viewing at a later time. www.facebook.com/HydesburgUnitedMethodistChurch
If you have a question or would like to receive Hydesburg Church updates by email, text,
or postal mail, please contact [email protected] or text or call 573-248-4349.